Pondering why you have that extra ordinary ability? How will you know if you are a psychic?
Most of the time, the misconception of knowing everything and its feelings is associated to being a psychic. Being a psychic is not all the time knowing and feeling . Although they have the ability to feel thoughts, ideas or even emotions, the hardest part is to blend this all these feelings, express it in words and have a connection to the physical world. Psychics are different from each other. Some have the ability to put all the feelings in words easily than the others. The difference form each lies with their ability to sense these feelings and thoughts.
In Clairvoyance, the ability of the Psychic is to see what is beyond the regular sense. This is commonly reffed to as the sixth sense. Most people only have five senses. People gifted with clairvoyance can perceived beyond humans regular capacity. A psychic gifted with telepathy has the gift of reading thoughts and send what they are thinking to other people. It a communication that occurs between the minds or mind to mind communication. While in divination, the psychic ability is to to give prophesy about the future. It is also a method of channeling. There are other types of psychics (e.g. online and phone psychic), each with their own special gifts. To some, they believe that by having a Deja vu, they are psychics on their own. To others chalking up the chances or by mere coincidences, they believe they are. To be a psychic does not instantly confer an awareness of psychic.
It is best to determine the Psychic Sensitivity. Some sites offer test that will determine if you have the gift. This is geared in answering the question whether you are a psychic or not. However, if an exemplary demonstration of a psychic ability beyond human reasonings, then most likely you are blessed with a psychic power. Checking out psychic experts would help, and still in doubt the best thing to do is to to listen to yourself. When you connect with yourself, the answer just flows out naturally.
I think sensitivity is one of the first characterisitcs of a psychic. Great post by the way.
Hi There,
I've been having psychic abilities my whole life but kept my thoughts to myself. Recently I've been vocal with my visions and it's freaking everyone out including myself.
I woke up one morning and called my friend and said "how's your mom cause I had a bad dream about her" and she passed away.
Then today I called my friend and told her "I don't know why but I see your water breaking at 9pm tonight" 9:02 sharp she called me and told me that her water broke and that she was going to the hospital to give birth.
My hairs stand and I feel chills when I think these things.
there are other horrible world events I predicted too.
I kind of have a love/hate with this!
It scares me. I dont' know why I have this ability.
I am a super sensitive person.
I feel everything.
Wish I could apply this to the lottery so I could feed the hungry.
So what do you suggest I do with this now?
I cant decide if i am a wanabe or a true psychic, cause i know things. sometimes i just kinda feel i should do something even if it dousnt make sense and whenever i dont listen to the feeling i wish i had. but nothing huge has realy happened, just lots of little things that i could pass off as coincidences if they didnt happen so damned often. I can pick up images, especialy males, from my friend's heads if im touching them and they let me try. but its totaly normal to feel presenses at random times , its my imagination right? Im not sensing ghost like my sister thinks i am right? and its all coincidences when people obey comands I think at them as long as they arent insane. for example, i can not command my mom to buy us a monkey but if i concentrate on putting the desire for a milkshake in her mind, as long as she isnt on a huge diet, we head straight for the nearest fast food place. it is probably a coincidence, i mean my ma does luv junk food, but its gotten so im afraid to think anything that would have a negative impact at people. am i insane or what!*nervous laugh* I am imagining this stuff, right?
I have loved looking at zodiacs and
horoscopes since i was little .
i wish i was a psychic.
I'm not sure whether or not I'm not psychic, but sometimes I have a premonition and the result will come true. I once got a psychic reading off a website and thought at the end it was something I could do because I felt the connection of the psychic.
I definitiely think I have more telepathy than clairvoyance...if I have any psychic ability at all.
True, there are different psychics and those different person would deliver or would interpret people and instances differently. what should matter is on how we take those interpretations and on how we make use of them in our lives.
I shuddered when I read "Most people only have five."
I think all people only have five sense as the term doesn't adequately describe what is happening at the psychic level. Even the word psychic misses the mark, maybe energy or earthreal or spiritual are way more accurate. Although a new word would be better as the other all come with so many connotations.
I think the question are you psychic is the same as saying are you alive!
In 2009 the San Antonio Spurs won the National Basketball Association championship. A player from their team was also named Most Valuable Player by the Association.
Rafael Nadal won the Wimbledon tournament in 2009.
Katherine Middleton announced in 2009 that she is having a child.
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i like it ,ths!
Mind to mind communication?does it mean that if i have this ability, i can also see or sense the person if he/she has also this ability?
I think everybody is a psychic, the big difference is the intensity of that gift to that person. A Genuine Psychic is a different case. This person have stronger intensity in the field of mind reading, fortune telling, horoscope reading and etc.
Learn more about Genuine Psychic
I beleive that everybody has psychic ability, how gifted you are will vary from person to person but i believe that it is more down to how much work you put into developing your spiritual side. At Heavenly Messages i have have a free psychic development course that is sent out by email.
Here is the link to my free course
I have been having dreams in the past and at some point in the future they actually happen,
like as if i'm having a dejavu. Does this mean I have foresight or psychic power?
I work for an amazing psychic, and he has been an expert in the field for more than 10 years now. Please visit his website at http://www.mysticjohnculbertson.com
The term clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the alleged ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses,a form of extra-sensory perception.costa rica fishingA person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant .
Hmm Well I was just searching on Google for some psychic readings and psychic articles and just came across your blog, generally I just only visit blogs and retrieve my required information but this time the useful information that you posted in this post compelled me to reply here and appreciate your good work. I just bookmarked your blog.
I am sure many of you reading this article have pondered on this subject. bet basketball Are some people simply born with a special gift or is this an acquired skill all of us can learn. Let me tell you my story.
I was raised in a Christian household and had an aptitude for all things mechanical, so much so I became a technician and computer expert. sportsbook Hardly an ideal back ground for a Clairvoyant! I hated art so much I ended up in detention every week for not completing my art homework, because I hated it and saw myself as the worst artist every to walk planet earth!
By 1989 I had changed my views somewhat. After several intense Personal Development Workshops, a divorce,
march madness and Career change, I met a girl who read Tarot Cards. Yes, folks, I married the devil. She is delightful and very caring about al sorts of things. With my technical skills and her intuition and thirst for research we formulated a comprehensive Tarot Certificate Course and in 10 weeks I was a certified Tarot reader! Well, I knew the mechanics, but what about the real world. Pretty soon I was telling people about failed relationships, affairs, illnesses and all manner of things. I had no idea what I was doing. I just looked at the cards and thoughts came into my head. Sometim
I have been having dreams in the past and at some point in the future they actually happen,
like as if i'm having a dejavu. Does this mean I have foresight or psychic power?
I am reading about Psychic in my studies and know how people react in psychic, but they are really sensitive and need more attention around their.
I totally agree with her
I totally agree with her
I totally agree with her
Great Tips.
I have found that living consciously and as a witness has helped to release my innate psychic ability - that I feek is inherent in most of us - becoming aware and beleiving are both integril to opening these skills up. Awesome sight.
A very engaging read. I believe every one of us is psychic, it all comes down to who has put enough effort to develop theirs.
My dear friend Mark Ireland wrote a beautiful book SOUL SHIFT about his personal loss when his 17-year old son suddenly passed. Mark subsequently rediscovered timeless truths providing evidence that death is not the end of our existence by exploring his psychic abilities and working with a number of top mediums. I hope this will be helpful to your readers. www.markirelandauthor.com.
My dear friend Mark Ireland wrote a beautiful book SOUL SHIFT about his personal loss when his 17-year old son suddenly passed. Mark subsequently rediscovered timeless truths providing evidence that death is not the end of our existence by reconnecting with his psychic abilities and working with a number of well-known mediums. www.markirelandauthor.com. I hope this book will help your readers and bring comfort to them.
I consider Pyschic abilities as a gift. Further, I believe that it can be learned too. It doesn't matter who you are, or what your background, you can learn anything. It just takes confidence, letting go of the idea you can't and practice. So have a go, get the cards out and do a few readings. You might just have as much fun as I do!
Read your post over psychic readings and thought you are so right about that each psychic has it's own way of expressing his feelings and thoughts.
Many of my dreams have been premonitions that come true. They are not very direct. No talking or words, just images that seem significant enough for me to piece together when I wake up. They typically do not make sense until the event has happened.
I always encounter such feeling. I think we are all capable of having such ability, since the average person uses only 10% of his total brain capacity.
There isn't any universal test to validate this, is there?
One thing I know is that we are all endowed with an innate capacity to awaken these gifts that we already have since we were born. :)
Accurate psychic
I've been working on learning more about my own psychic abilities. Nicely done post here. Continue to work your passion. It is much appreciated.
It actually happens...I belief feelings and sensitivity are its characteristics.
Yes, I guess it's a matter of belief, like a dormant force that just needs to be willed to be brought out.
Love psychic
We are yet to solve the mysteries of this world and it's never that bad to be skeptical and doubt at times, as well as to believe. :)
Accurate Psychic Readings
Highlighted in today's history, June 30th 1894, the London Tower Bridge opens for the first time for public use. It's one of the amazing spectacles that proved the capacity of innovation and the reason to doubt. Let's open our minds to the possibilities. ;)
I have gone through your site information and it is the same opportunity that I was looking for. The facilities, the process that what you are offering are perfectly matched to my Expectation & very soon you will get Response from my side.
We all have intuition and so are a bit psychic but some are way more than others ...the professional psychics. It's like we can play a simple tune on the piano but some can play concertos.
I think knowing if you are a psychic is a matter of training and exposure to the spirit world since childhood.
Lots of the psychics I know have been exercising and sharpening their psychic abilities since childhood without them knowing it.
Psychics with great skill don't even need to see a person face to face just to make a prediction. In some cases, all it takes is to have psychic telephone readings to get the job done.
Great post. Thanks!
All my life I had psychic occurrences. I would go to a wedding and know when the couple would get a divorce. I would say random things out loud in jest and someone's mouth would drop open and they would ask me how I "knew".
If anyone would like to find out more of my story of how I knew I was psychic you can visit my website. Perhaps my experience will help you to identify your own psychic abilities.
Great post!
I think that sensitivity is very important in determining whether you are a psychic. I refer to the sensitivity to other people’s emotions, the ability to read their body language, the ability to sense what is going to happen. You may also call it sixth sense.
Thanks for the great info.
We are all born with the ability and unless you are in one of those lucky families who encourage exploring things and allow growth, you were probably told it wasn't possible. I've had the ability my whole life and got professional training to do animal communication http://animalhealings.com
You can be naturally psychic, if your are born with it, as i am through many generations of psychics. You can become more intuitive with medatation. Or you can practice the tarot to help guide you. Everyone has the gift, some have it more than others. You just have to have the want and the desire to tap into it.
I believe we all have psychic abilities but many have to look for them. It is however a shame how there are also many crooks out there.
My first experience was when I was a child on a swing and something said to me the swing is going to break and I held on tight and it broke. As a grown up, sometimes things would happen like the time I knew that the cashier was going to forget to give me my change and I watched it play out just like that.
One of the most significant things was at my employment and we as employees had to change our passwords every 90 days and I started with a password starting with a series of numbers and ending in "A" and my plan was that every subsequent change I would switch to the same series of numbers but then change the last letter to "B", then "C" and so on, but something said to me that by the time I got to Z my employment would end with a life changing event. I initially tried to brush it off but the feeling never left and I even tried to cheat it by resetting my password back to "A" when I got to "M". The years went by and the feeling of impending doom got stronger. I was directed not to try to cheat again by the voice in my head so I didn't try to alter the password again. Not knowing what was going to happen, I started to prepare by stocking up on shampoo, deodorant and toilet paper and non-perishable food. We were short staffed and I was so busy and was not paying much attention until I was prompted to change my password again and this time it was changed to "Z". I continued to work through that 90 day period and actually thought I was going to be able to "cheat death" but that was not the case. I had planned to go on vacation out of the country and my son who was unemployed was going to drive from another state to my home and stay the week with my pets which included 4 adult dogs. As far as I knew, when I called him he said he was there and everything was ok. I didn't know that wasn't the case and the reality was he didn't go. My dogs were barking loudly and a neighbor called the police and found my dogs in the house without food or water. I was charged with animal cruelty. When I got back, I called into work and asked for a day off to try to take care of the legal mess. I chose not to sell out my son who has three kids and took the blame. When I finally got back to work a little screen popped up on my computer asking me to change the password which had been on Z. I lost my beloved pets and my job of nearly 20 years.
The most profound psychic experience occurred with my cat, Tommalee. He was only 2 1/2 yrs old and we were in my rose garden that was in a raised bed and I was trimming the rose bushes. He looked up at me and said he loved me and that he had had a good life but it was time for him to go. I sat down on the ledge and petted and kissed him and sang him his song and an overwhelming sense of joy came over me and he jumped down and I watched him walk through the back yard and before he slipped through the row of arborvitaes I planted, he turned to me and said "good-bye". I felt only a sense of peace and happiness as he disappeared beyond the trees. Later when I called him to come in, he didn't come. He always came and I panicked recalling the event that occurred earlier that day in the rose garden. I grabbed the flashlight and went searching and calling for him, but he was not to be found until 6 days later when I found his dead little body under the house. Because of this I no longer fear death, I know there is a soul, and our beloved pets have souls too.
Sometimes my own happenings of good or bad things gives me a feeling of psychic
The site is very special for psychic, Psychic Medium Gold Coast can increase your knowledge about it. Its good to develop your knowledge , thanks a lot.
I became aware of my psychic Reading abilities when i was a kid and i saw the spirit of my deceased brother in the hallway one night. From that day i decide to use my powers to help others.
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